Psychoanalytical Theory Analysis in Inception

The movie Inception has many examples of psych oanalytic theory. In Inception, Cobb (Leonardo Di Caprio) describes one of the fascinating aspects of dreaming that allows the characters to access a person’s dream world, “in a dream we create and perceive simultaneously.”  DiCaprio plays a master thief who commits corporate spying by infiltrating the subconscious of his targets. He is given a chance to have his entire criminal record eradicated as payment for a mission considered to be impossible: “inception”, the implantation of another person’s idea into a target’s subconscious.

Psychoanalytic theory states that all of us have a part of our mind which is unconscious that holds the unknown. The unconscious is made up of hidden feelings and desires, some of which we may never have been aware of and others which we have overlooked as either a defense technique or so that they can obtain social acceptance. Inception also has the pyschoanalytic theory that states the importance of a child’s relationship with his/her parents.  For example when they had to tamper with Robert Fischer’s unconscious of the relationship with his father.

The unconscious has a huge impact on the way we react with others and the world around us. It has a bigger effect than your actual conscious mind. This is clearly demonstrated in the movie by Cobb. His real life sucked and the state of unconscious reflects his physical life. It was like this until he understood his own unconscious and reconciled with his covered up emotions and feelings. He was damaged emotionally and mentally and he was not cured until he uncovered all of this.

The Mortal Instruments: City of Lost Souls By Cassandra Clare



With Book 5 of this series I want to take my time and slowly analyze the material.  I am currently on page 250 and I am loving the mix of action, romance, mystery, and fantasy it always keeps me thrilled and hooked.  The plot of the first 4 books was amazing so I absolutely knew I had to read this one. Similar to the previous books the series continues to be an action packed adventure where Nephilim battle demons, slicing away at limbs and other supernatural things continue to do well… the supernatural. There’s also some sexual tension against the main character. But there’s more focus on the non-sexual activities of all four couples. For the homosexual couple (Magnus and Alec) that lives together, mostly kissing, but the straight couples either have sex or come very initmately close and talk about it. However the book is not just sex-oriented they are always on the run looking for Jace who is “missing”.  Later there are a bunch of twists and turns, but I will not share any due to spoilers. Amid the demon fighting and relationship angst there’s a deeper core, and that is that Clary and friends will do anything to save someone they love.